Year 6 Transition

Summer term is often a time where young people’s concerns around transition from Primary to secondary schools become more prominent.  We’ re aware that transition support is in place and more specific transition support is in place for young people who have been identified as requiring additional need, but we felt it may be beneficial to provide wide spread transition support in an accessible manner to normalise the feelings and worries that all children may have.  Following the success of our online sessions for Children’s Mental Health Week in February, we have decided to put together some online sessions for Year 6 classes. 

In addition, we wondered whether the opportunity for a separate space for parents and school staff to identify coping strategies would be beneficial.  To support this, we are holding virtual transition toolbox sessions on the 8th June.

Transition Toolbox for Parents 

Who? Parents/carers 

When? 2pm 

Where? Click here to join the meeting